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Creating life-giving content so you can center on Jesus

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speaking services

Scripture-Based Messages

From ten minute devotionals to thirty minute biblical expositions, I enjoy crafting messages that communicate the original meaning of the text as well as applicable, transformative ways to let the text change you. I’m available for both in-person and virtual teaching (pre-recorded or live).


Scripture-Based Retreats

There’s nothing quite like a retreat to bring spiritual refreshment through the Word. I enjoy leading multiple session retreats centered on Scriptural themes that speak life into my listeners. I’m available for both in-person and virtual retreats (pre-recorded or live).


Spiritual Formation

If you’re looking for someone to facilitate spiritual disciplines in corporate settings (including prayer walking, Lectio Divina, the Examen, and more), I’d love to come alongside your group to craft an impactful event. I’m available for both in-person and virtual events (pre-recorded or live).

more details

Books I Love to Teach

Genesis. Exodus. Deuteronomy. Ruth (my favorite in the OT). 1-2 Samuel. Psalms. Ecclesiastes. Isaiah. All of the Gospels. Romans. 2 Corinthians. Ephesians. Colossians. Hebrews (my favorite in the NT). 1 Peter. 1 John. And more!

Themes I Love to Explore

Trinity. Creation. The Intersection of Suffering & Glory. Incarnation. Christ in Us. The Mystery of the Gospel. Waiting. Sacrifice for Sins. Use of the Old Testament in the New Testament. Jesus’ Inclusion and Promotion of Women. And more!